Wow 4.3.4 death and dcecy macro auto cast
Wow 4.3.4 death and dcecy macro auto cast

You can have your tanks chase him around the room, but it's fairly random where he goes so you are almost better waiting until the 4th target. There is a complete aggro wipe and he is immune to taunt, so if any of your DPS are tossing DoTs up during the Bone Storm they will die.

  • Number one cause of death was the period between him stopping his Bone Storm and when the tanks were able to pick him back up.
  • Tell your healers to treat this fight like Patchwerk. Kommentar von redraven937My 10m-only guild (4/5 TotGC) ended up wiping quite a few times to this guy - he is not something to be taken lightly. He's a step up from ToC, sure, but his abilities are easily avoided on the targets where it really hurts. Wiped a few times, especially around the aggro reset after the bonestorm, but he's not that hard. The whirlwind doesn't hit hard in normal (No bleed), and if the DPS remembers to wait for a few seconds till the tank's got aggro again, we're back to the first part.ĭowned this rather easily with a guild that can take ToC normal, and wipes on ToC heroic. The spikes can be killed in 2-3 seconds of actually focusing, 2-3 more seconds of travel time if it's in a bad place, and it's not all that much damage either. Make sure the DPS doesn't soak up damage by having the tanks stick together, they won't even take all that much damage. This abilities don't do all that much damage, and aren't that hard to learn (Don't stand in fire, nuke spikes, don't stand in a whirlwind.) If your guild can do ToC normal, this boss should be downable. Kommentar von 17661On normal, pretty easy. Watch the aggro reset when he finishes spinning and burn him down.Īll and all the fight is pretty simple in theory and execution, it is not a good set up for Lady Deathwhisper who is a bit of a coordination nightmare, compared to this guys near tank and spank. So stay close, avoid the Coldflames, kill the spikes when they pop up and run around like crazy when he spins, the spin damage is pretty crappy and is easily healed through but damage is damage avoid it best you can. However you don't want a huge distance between him and the range since the spikes can be a pain to kill if you are spaced out a lot. His Coldflames don't land in melee range, but I have a feeling that having everyone stand in melee will bug the fight and have him go all kinds of crazy. Have everyone stick pretty close to him but not stacked on him. It was messy but even with 1 tank, 2 heals and 8 DPS left alive we took him from 50% to dead. Kommentar von StoanPretty easy fight, my guild went into the fight without even doing a bigger explanation than kill the spikes that impale people.

    Wow 4.3.4 death and dcecy macro auto cast